08 April 2009

Educational Site of Tirtosani

A. Brief Information

Considering the numerous flora, fauna and the existence of a cave from the era of Japanese occupation in Indonesia, the government planned Tirtosani Village as the educational site for public, especially students, common people even researchers. It is also commonly called Hutan Monyet (Monkey Forest) for the number of monkey living around the location.

B. Distinctive Features

The number of rare species of long-tailed monkey (Macaca Facilularia) which settles the location is approximately 300 populations. Moreover, here you can see Raflesia Arnoldi flower (Amorphopallus Titanum Becc) that is only found in Lampung. Each tree growing up in the location is given a name to provide supporting facilities for easier research for botanist likewise common people or students.

C. Location

Educational site of Tirtosani is located in Tirtosani Village, Sumur Batu Sub-district, North Teluk Betung District, Bandar Lampung City, Lampung Province.

D. Access

As the location is near to the crowded city, educational site of Tirtosani can be easily accessed by any public transportation.

E. Accommodation and other Facilities

During the visit to the location, you can take guides` services who will tell you the whole information dealing with the location and its distinctive features. 



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